We spend a third of our lives on the Mattress. Despite this, it seems most people do not know the what constitutes an “unhygienic Mattress.” Not keeping your Mattress clean and hygienic can result in numerous health problems. A mattress that looks “clean on the surface” does not mean it is clean and hygienic. Knowing what is “inside your Mattress” can better educate you how your mattress affecting your health. Dust Mites, Mould, Germs, Bacteria and Viruses are the factors that make a Mattress unsanitary and bad for your health.


Keeping your mattress clean and hygenic requires alot of attention. It is essential for your health that to be aware of whats happening inside your mattress

1. Don’t Make The Bed Straightaway

One mistake we often make is to make our beds once we wake up. Doing this usually means in our head we are thinking of keeping our mattress clean. This practice ensures you are helping the unseen enemy thrive and multiply in your Mattress. Dust Mites love a warm environment. Making the bed keeps the Mattress warm, helping the Dust Mites to live and multiply! Pull back the duvet and bed covers for at least 1 hour to cool down the Mattress before making the bed. Do this even if you use a mattress topper as they don’t prevent dust mites and other allergens.  

2. Clean Your Sheets

Make it a weekly routine with changing and washing bed sheets. In order to kill all dust mites, dander, germs and bacteria from your sheets it is necessary to wash them in hot water at a temperature of 60 ºC.¹

3. Don’t Eat In Bed

Yes i know easier said than done and im definitely guilty of doing this in the past! Food droppings on your Mattress can easily contaminate your Mattress. As a result, your mattress becomes a host for a whole lot of germs and bacteria; best to eat the dinner table as our parents always taught us!

4. Don’t Allow Pets On The Bed

“Muddy paws, pet dander and dirt contribute to increased bacteria levels. Certain dogs especially shed alot of dander giving extra food to the Dust Mites to survive.”²

The above tips for helping to clean your Mattress in a sanitary condition will help reduce the levels of germs, bacteria and dust mites. For a more complete solution it is necessary for your Mattress to be cleaned by a PROFESSIONAL.

Hiring a professional mattress cleaning service on a regular basis is the most effective, long lasting solution to keeping your Mattress clean and hygenic. Be sure when hiring the services of a professional mattress cleaning service that they are reputable and officially certified. If they are not certified, be sure they have scientific proof that their process of cleaning mattresses effectively removes dust mites, germs and bacteria.


With its design and natural conditions making Mattresses a haven for germs, bacteria, viruses and dust mites one would think it is impossible to make their Mattress clean and hygienic. This task is made very possible by using the services of BUFFERBOYS! The most important process we utilise in cleaning mattresses is using the KIRBY to thoroughly deep clean the mattress. This first step is to ensure all the physical dirt, dust mites and its faeces are extracted from inside the mattress. We then sterilize the mattress using products that contain only natural and biodegradable ingredients. This process of deep cleaning and sterilization kills any germs, bacteria or viruses living inside your mattress.


BUFFERBOYS collaborates with a leading laboratory in Malta called Analytical Diagnostic Laboratory Services ( ADLS ) that carries out scientific testing to ensure levels of mites are low enough to not cause any health hazards. Many of our clients have experienced improvements in their asthmatic and allergic symptoms after sterilizing their mattresses with BUFFERBOYS.



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